简介:It follows Tom and his mother, who live in a mobile home on the edge of the woods. A young man just released from prison interferes in their life by b
简介:It is a time of chaos and tyranny. The once-great nation of England is splintering and on the verge of revolution. The people need a hero to rise and
简介:科学家们发现,宇宙中的两颗彗星正在急速向地球逼近,不出意外的话,它们终将撞上地球,给地球带来无法估量的损失。为了避免造成世界级的恐慌,政府封锁了这一消息,偷偷在格陵兰岛建造了非常坚固的堡垒,只有躲进堡垒的人们才能够获得一线生机,而进入堡垒的条件非常的苛刻。 杰夫(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard B