简介:In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in
简介:1975年,北爱尔兰在北爱尔兰自愿军针对罗马天主教平民的暴力骚乱中饱受着苦难和创伤。当时年仅17岁的小阿里斯泰尔(连姆•尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)在暴力气氛的感染下也不由得加入了北爱尔兰自愿军,并且在一次针对罗马天主教平民的暴力活动中当着年幼的乔•格里芬(詹姆斯•内斯比特 James Nes
简介:After several mysterious accidents, A Live Action Role Playing game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remains behind to
简介:13世纪,大英帝国在狮心王理查一世(丹尼·赫斯顿 Danny Huston 饰)的率领下与来犯的法国军队展开鏖战。孔武有力、骁勇善战的罗宾·朗斯特莱德(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)是这群英国战士中的一员,作为射手的他曾随理查参加过十字军东征,在对法的战争中也表现勇猛。但是狮心王遭遇阴
简介:13世纪,大英帝国在狮心王理查一世(丹尼·赫斯顿 Danny Huston 饰)的率领下与来犯的法国军队展开鏖战。孔武有力、骁勇善战的罗宾·朗斯特莱德(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)是这群英国战士中的一员,作为射手的他曾随理查参加过十字军东征,在对法的战争中也表现勇猛。但是狮心王遭遇阴
简介:It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievel